Rogier Louwen – Ultimate beneficial owner
Dr. Rogier Louwen has more than 20 years of experience in different fields of research, including cell biology, molecular biology, medical microbiology and biotechnology. He was trained at the The Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, USA and the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, Netherlands. His main expertise lies in molecular biology and biotechnology with a specific focus on CRISPR-Cas. He has a strong interest in the translation of basic research findings to useful products that are validated, simple to use and are based on the ASSURED (affordable, sensitive, specific, user-friendly, rapid, equipment-free, delivered) criteria so that society will benefit from reliable and well tested products. His work has been cited over 1,200 times and his publication list comprises papers that are mainly published in high impact peer-reviewed international journals, such as Science Advances, Chemical Science, PNAS, Communication Biology and Nature Reviews Microbiology (Rogier Louwen – Google Scholar). He was awarded multiple grants and private investments with a total spending budget of more than 750K.
Sanne Voogd – Ultimate beneficial owner
Sanne Voogd is an ultimate beneficial owner of CCassured. She finished her bachelor cum laude in 2020 and has build EU experience as a research technician under supervision of Dr. Louwen in the EU project STAMINA (2020-2022). She has experience in performance evaluation and validation of Molecular diagnostic tests. Her work in the STAMINA project let to two publications of which one in Nature journal Communications biology. This work was a side project in which she developed, adapted and validated the CRISPR-Cas based dipstick technology to detect the human CRISPRs in prostate cancer.
This specific technical expertise she likes to apply further in ongoing projects, focussing on the detection of RNA and DNA based biomarkers in cancer that will include the CRISPRs identified in the human genome.